Decompensated Csirrhosis and COVID 19; Report of Two Cases
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has turned to be the primary health concern worldwide and for critical patients in particular. Patients with cirrhosis may experience decompensation, as presented in the current case report. An 82-year-old man with cirrhosis was admitted for hepatorenal syndrome, and hemodialysis was initiated. Due to manifestations of COVID-19 in computed tomography (CT), the therapeutic protocols of coronavirus were initiated, and the patient was successfully rehabilitated by COVID-19 treatment and trice-a-week hemodialysis. The other case was a 59-year-old woman with cirrhosis and hematemesis, elevated creatinine, and progressive loss of consciousness. CT scan was compatible with COVID-19 confirmed by Real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Irresponsiveness to medical therapy led to four courses of hemodialysis. Respiratory distress led to intubation, and eventually, the cardiopulmonary arrest occurred, which led to unsuccessful cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Cirrhosis may be decompensated by COVID-19 and lead to fatal outcomes. Despite all the conventional efforts to help the patients survive, prevention from coronavirus infection remains the mainstay for patients with cirrhosis.
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