A population-Based Cross-Sectional Study on the Prevalence and Associated Risk Factors of Helicobacter pylori Infection in Rafsanjan, a Low Gastric Cancer Area in Southeast Iran
Despite all improvements in sanitation and exposure to antibiotics over time, Helicobacter pylori (HP) prevalence remains high, affecting the lives of about half of the world population, which can gradually lead to serious upper gastrointestinal disorders. Understanding HP’s epidemiologic patterns help us to better manage the burden of this infection and to plan more effectively regarding potential screening or eradication strategies.
We, therefore, aimed to report the crude and age- and sex-standardized prevalence rate of HP infection, its trend, and possible associated factors among asymptomatic healthy individuals in Rafsanjan city, a low-incidence area of gastric cancer (GC) in the southeast of Iran, from July 2018 to December 2021.
This population-based cross-sectional descriptive study included 2,046 male and female subjects between 3 to 72 years who were in good health condition. Study participants were randomly selected from the Health Houses and each underwent a questionnaire-based interview and provided blood and feces samples. The presence of HP infection was detected by serum IgG antibodies and stool antigen test.
The overall and age- and sex-standardized prevalence rates of HP infection were 50.9% and 43%, respectively. The prevalence rate has notably decreased in all age groups compared with 2007. Also, it was significantly higher among men (P = 0.033) and increased with advancing age (P < 0.001). A higher population density living in a specific room area (P = 0.012) increased the likelihood of HP infection.
To conclude, the prevalence of Helicobacter pylori infection is decreasing over time in Rafsanjan city, which may be due to improvements in living standards in this area. A healthy lifestyle and adherence to hygienic principles, especially during childhood, may be required for a reduction in the prevalence of HP infection.
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